
Monday, December 2, 2013

Bloody Mary - Piles of Junk!

Starting in early October, a team of us concentrated in creating the Grand Hall of Mary's Mansion*. Each of us were assigned a couple of assets to populate the space with. I was assigned to model a few junkpiles to block certain places of the area.

                             Model Only

                             Model in Game (lights on)                              

                             Model in Game (Lights off - Player mode)


Learned a lot from making these assets, from both technical and artistic standpoints. While they helped sharpen my Maya skills, the best part of making these pieces was the opportunity to tell a story; smaller stories anyways, behind every junkpile. 

                              Model Only


                             Model in Game (Lights On)


                              Model in Game (Lights off - Player Mode)


                              Model Only

                              Model in Game (Lights On)

                              Model in Game (Lights off - Player mode)


Stay tuned for more Bloody Mary! 

*Please bear in mind, this game level is currently in progress and much of the surrounding elements are works in progress. However these 'junkpiles' are finalized assets.  

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